Our Adults
Jo-Jac's A Seat at the Table of Schnickelfritz
Dolly Baby's First Class Ticket of Schnickelfritz
Jo-Jac's Notorious Ruthie G of Schnickelfritz
Schnickelfritz Chana Abra
Chana (HAWN-uh)

Born on June 23, 2020
Smooth, Black & Cream Dapple Female
Still growing...
Chana is Shani's daughter, and our first dapple dachshund! She loves to wrestle with the big dogs, and is a natural-born cuddler. She has her dad's gorgeous face, and much of her mama's personality!
Chana's name means "gracious mother of a multitude" in Hebrew, and we look forward to some amazing puppies from her.

Gracie Lou
Gracie (chihuahua, honorary dachshund)

Adopted in July 2017
Tan & White Female
Weighs 9 pounds
Gracie was found running loose on a country road near our home. She didn’t have a microchip, and after leaving our contact information with animal shelters and posting “found” ads on Facebook, Nextdoor, and around the area with no response, she decided she was part of the family.
We think Gracie is just a puppy herself, and while she was skeptical at first, she quickly warmed up to her first set of puppies (Mieke’s fall 2017 litter). We can tell that she’s happy to have a family with people and dogs who love her.

Monte (chihuahua, honorary dachshund)

Born on October 11, 2006
Black & Tan Male
Weighs 8 pounds
Monte was the first dog that we raised together. He lived with Adriane in her college apartment, but made frequent trips to see Benjamin, parents, and friends. Unlike many chihuahuas, Monte LOVES all people! We sneaked him into the hospital when mom was having surgery, and one of his favorite places to be is on his “granny’s” bed.
Monte is terrified of puppies, so he avoids them when he can. Once they grow up, though, they become his good friends.

Schnickelfritz Jackie Robinson
Jackie (JAK-ee)

Born on March 29, 2017
Longhair, Shaded Red Male
Weighs 10 1/2 pounds
Jackie is Mieke’s son, and inherited his mama’s exuberant personality and love of people. He adores children, and is our number one “puppy nanny” because of his patience and gentle nature.
Jackie was adopted by a family when he was 10 weeks old, but when their life became too hectic to properly raise a puppy, they lovingly returned him to us. He’s a permanent member of our family.

Schnickelfritz Bernardo
Bernie (BERN-nee)

Born on March 13, 2012
Smooth, Shaded Cream Male
Weighs 16 pounds
Bernie is the son of Anke and Tiki, from their first litter together. He grew to a whopping 18 pounds, so we opted to exclude him from our miniature breeding program. He has the softest coat, and the most mesmerizing eyes!
Bernie loves car rides, sleeping on his back with blankets pulled up to his armpits, and playing chase with the smaller dogs. He loves to flop over and let the other dogs jump and chew on him.
Bernie’s FAVORITE thing is puppies! He wants so badly to give them kisses when they’re tiny. When they get a little older, he is one of their primary trainers, as he teaches them to play and have doggy manners in the gentlest way possible.

Hendee's Anke Bonka
Anke (ON-kah)

Born on January 7, 2010
Smooth, Shaded Red Female
Weighs 12 pounds
Anke was our first dachshund, our introduction to the breed, and our absolute perfect dog! We adopted her from Clarice at Jo-Jac Dachshunds, where her litter had been raised as part of the family. She is the daughter of Shira, a smooth cream, and Carmel, a gorgeous, longhair red male. Anke carries cream and longhair, so we have had a diverse group of puppies from her.
Anke continues to be an amazing momma! She teaches her babies to be well-adjusted dogs as well as companions for humans. She wants so badly to take care of Mieke’s babies!
Anke had four litters of puppies, from 2012-2015, and was spayed in 2016.

Jo-Jac's Shoshana Sharon of Schnickelfritz
Shani (SHAW-nee)

Born on March 22, 2015
Smooth, Clear Cream Female
Weighs 9 1/2 pounds
Shani was raised by Clarice at Jo-Jac Dachshunds, and came to join our family when she was a year old. She and Mieke are the same size and close in age, and they have become fast friends!
Shani has the most perfect “head tilt” and ear perkiness. She also poses like a meerkat, and climbs like a goat. She likes to crawl up to the back of the couch and snooze, often with her head on someone’s shoulder.
Shani had her first litter in the fall/winter of 2018, with an uneventful whelp and a quick recovery. She is a very attentive mama – which we knew she would be, because she is such a great auntie to Mieke’s puppies! We’re hoping for a fourth and final litter from Shani in 2021, but until then, she’s content to play under the couch and steal things off of our coffee tables.

Jo-Jac's Mieke Mocha of Schnickelfritz
Mieke (MEE-kah)

Born on November 23, 2014
Smooth, Clear Cream Female
Weighs 9 1/2 pounds
Mieke is our tiny dachshund, the daughter of Anke and Ohri. She loves us dearly, but is unloyal – she’ll try to go home with anyone! Mieke is obsessed with giving kisses and snuggling with people…when she’s not wrestling with the other dogs or hunting mice in the back yard!
Mieke had her first litter of puppies on March 30, 2017. She’s a fantastic mother! We knew she would be, because she was a natural at co-raising her little sister (a singleton), when it was time for her to be weaned.